This is the Right Way to OCD Diet, Make Weight Loss Fast
Monday, October 7, 2019
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The OCD Diet was introduced by mentalist and presenter Deddy Corbuzier. Curious how to correct OCD diet?
Dream- Diet is actually a food rule that has certain health goals. There are many types of diets, such as the paleo diet, the karbo diet, to the mayo diet, all of which have different methods.
Deddy Corbuzier popularized the diet method that he did so far, called OCD (Obsessive Corbuzier’s Diet).
In 2013, Deddy Corbuzier surprised the public with his increasingly muscular and muscular body shape. Its appearance is very different from the shape of its former growth. Apparently, Deddy went on a diet to lose weight to form his body.
The success of the Deddy diet inspired others to try the same diet method, OCD. And, not a few also managed to achieve ideal body weight with OCD. This diet method then became popular, and more and more people were curious to try this diet.
Friends of Dream who are curious about how this OCD diet can refer to the article below.
How to Diet OCD, Know the First and Second Eating Window
Before trying the OCD diet, Friends of Dream should know the term "Eat Window". This term refers to scheduling meal times, starting with the first meal schedule and the duration of the next meal.
First Meal Window
The eating rule at the First Eat Window starts with the first meal at a predetermined hour, then gives a time period of 8 hours for the next meal schedule. After that, continued with food fasting for 16 hours.
For example, Sahabat Dream eats first at 9 am, then pause 8 hours until the next meal schedule, at 5 pm. After that, do food fasting for 16 hours. During the fast, Sahabat Dream is allowed to drink only water.
Second Dining Window
After getting used to the First Eat Window, do the next step, the Second Eat Window. At this stage, Sahabat Dream has free time to eat for 6 hours and the rest is to fast. For example, the first meal starts at 8 am, then for 6 hours thereafter, we are free to eat. After 2 pm until the morning again, required to fast eating.
If you find it difficult at this stage, Friends of Dream can combine the First Dining Window with the Second, to get used to the Second Dining Window.
How to Diet OCD, Third and Fourth Window
Third Dining Window
After successfully passing the Second Eat Window stage, Friends of the Dream can advance to the Third Eat Window. At this stage, meal scheduling and time periods are more extreme. Free time to eat only 4 hours and the rest, 20 hours to fast eating.
This stage might be heavy. To alleviate it, Sahabat Dream can combine the previous Dining Window with the Third Dining Window. For example, Monday through Thursday uses the First Dining Window, Friday and Saturday applies the Second Dining Window, and Sunday is used for the Third Dining Window.
The Fourth Window
If Sahabat Dream has been able to get past the three Eat Windows above, now is the time to get to the top of the OCD diet, the Fourth Eat Window. It might sound extreme to say you have to fast for 24 hours. Friends of Dream are allowed to eat only once a day with fixed schedule conditions.
Dare to try this OCD-style Window concept?
OCD Diet Tips, Avoid Breakfast and Not Overdo
To make the OCD diet a success, Sahabat Dream can try the OCD supporting diet method before actually starting OCD from the First Eat Window.
Avoid Breakfast
Avoiding breakfast does not mean not eating in the morning. For Deddy, breakfast will actually add insulin and cause the body to feel drowsy. Deddy's suggested breakfast hour starts 3-4 hours after waking up. For example, Sahabat Dream gets up at 5 am, starts breakfast at 8 or 9 am.
Don't Overeat
In addition to avoiding breakfast hours too early, Deddy also suggested eating in adequate portions and not excessive. In the OCD diet, we are only given the opportunity to eat for a few hours, but that does not mean we have to eat a lot. Eat as needed, if usually only one serving, just eat one serving.
How to OCD Diet with Routine Exercise
Diet is a matter of eating, from schedules to menus. But, that does not mean diet has nothing to do with exercise. In fact, supported by regular exercise, will make the diet more effective. Just like the OCD diet which requires the body to exercise regularly.
Sports that are done do not need heavy exercise and must be in the gym. Friends of Dream can do light sports such as jogging, biking, sit-ups, or swimming. The most important thing in the OCD diet is routine and consistent.
Commitment to regular exercise in the OCD diet is very much needed. Not only for weight loss, but also effective for building muscle and increasing muscle mass. It's no wonder that Deddy has dense and muscular muscles, O Friends of Dream.
Guide to How to OCD Diet for Beginners
There is one more thing that Friends of Dream should know about OCD, especially if you are beginners on a diet. OCD does not have certain dietary restrictions, but that does not mean free to eat anything. Especially for beginners, do not immediately try the Eating Window with a difficult level, with the reason to be free to eat anything.
This will actually burden the body and our digestive system. Do the First Eating Window first for one to two weeks. Only after getting used to, continue to the Second Dining Window. Continue to the next Eat Window.
It should be noted if you have entered the Fourth Window, Friends of Dream can accompany it with the previous stage Window. After gaining the desired weight and body shape, do not immediately let go of the habit of the Eating Window, so that the body is not shocked and returns to its previous weight.
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