The Importance of Practicing Child Motor Development
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
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Motor development, is only one of the many stages of child development. Among them, is the child's obligation to master two forms of motor development, namely gross motor skills and fine motor skills, both of which are very important for their growth and development and are independent.
Before we go deeper, let us first know, what is the difference between gross motor and fine motor. Broadly speaking, gross motor is body movements associated with large muscles (core muscles) as in the limbs and arms, on the contrary, fine motor skills are associated with smaller muscles, to do something that is more complicated.
Practicing Little Motor Rough Motor Skills
Our body moves using large muscles to carry out daily activities. An example of gross motoric form is gross walking jumping or running. This includes eye and hand coordination such as throwing and kicking skills.
What is the importance of practicing gross motor skills in child development? Like the sentence above, it takes good gross motor skills so that children are able to do their daily activities. The movements in gross motor also function to make a child's body healthier, because he is able to move well and actively play. Playing is actually not just 'the world of children', yes, ma'am, but it can also be a place to teach children to create and imagine. Play also teaches children to interact also makes it easier for children to be accepted by those around them.
Gross motor skills will also affect fine motor skills, for example, the ability of children to be able to sit with good posture during class, helping children to be able to carry out other learning activities such as drawing, coloring or cutting handicrafts.
What should be built to train the gross motor development of children?
Build strength and endurance of the muscles of the body and build the ability of children to move their body parts in the appropriate order. Children must be able to control their posture, respond well to stimulation, build balance and coordinate the body.
There are several signs that your little one is experiencing obstacles to gross motor development. For example, they have not achieved skills appropriate for their age, their movements are stiff, they get tired quickly when doing physical activities, cannot sit or stand up straight (bad posture), or the child is unable to follow instructions in physical activities.
If it seems that there are obstacles in the development of children like this, then it must be overcome immediately, yes, ma'am. Because the disruption of gross motor skills in children can have an impact on their daily lives.
In addition to consulting with doctors who deal with child development problems, mothers can reproduce play activities that can hone the child's gross motor skills.
1. Playing soap balloons
This game is suitable to be played with children aged two years. Divide the tasks, Mother who is the balloon blower and let the child enjoy the flying balloons. Playing inflatable balloons, training children to run, spin, walk forward and backward, even jumping to reach balloons. In addition, playing balloons like this is also good for exercising balance.
In order to play safer, choose a special balloon to play with, because an artificial soap balloon can make eyes sore when they accidentally hit a child's eyes, and also choose a safe location for running around.
2. Jump on a trampoline
In children aged around three to four, one of the movements that can generally be achieved is jumping up and down. Well, so that the training becomes more exciting, let's take the kids to play the trampoline. It doesn't matter if you don't have it at home, right now there are lots of them, trampolines are available at playgrounds, and of course there are safe equipment for children.
Another example of educational games for children's development at this age is cricket. Yes, this is a traditional game that is cheap and can be done at home. Make sure you make a mark that can train your child to jump on one or two legs.
3. Play ball
This is the simplest way but no less fun for children. With the ball, you can invite children to play catch or football. So that children are more excited, can add a basketball hoop or goal wicket as a property.
Practicing Small Motoric Motor Development
Fine motor skills involve the wrists, ankles and fingers. Fine motor skills greatly affect the results, quality and speed of doing daily tasks. Just like gross motor skills, fine motor skills are also important in children's development and are also very much needed for daily activities, such as buttoning a shirt, brushing teeth or for learning activities such as sticking paper or writing.
Without adequate fine motor skills, children will find it difficult to live independently. For example, children cannot tie their shoes or eat without help. Even at school, children will find it difficult to complete assignments, for example because children need a long time to write and take notes. Furthermore, this can make children become inferior.
What should be built to develop fine motor skills?
For the body to move optimally, good coordination between the eyes and hands is needed, for example for writing. Learn to use the function of the hand, be it one or both hands at once. Also, train the strength of the child's fingers.
What are the characteristics of children experiencing barriers to fine motor development? For example, children may find it difficult to hold stationery or scissors. For older children, a recognizable feature is that children have difficulty writing letters, drawing, or cannot tie their shoes without help. It is better, the mother actively asks the teacher or superintendent if the child experiences something like the above, and so that the child gets additional guidance to improve the child's development in the class.
Come on, invite children to develop fine motor skills with the following game.
1. Form a candle
Playing candles can help children imagine. For example, put a few cupcake picture cards in front of it, and let the child try to follow the shape of the cupcake with the candle. Another benefit of playing candles is to train children to recognize textures, for example by adding a spoonful of rice, or small balls in the candle. Squeezing candles also builds strength in the child's hands and fingers.
2. Move the contents of the jar
Come on, take advantage of the child's favorite ‘make’ mess. The trick, prepare a few empty jars and several jars that have been filled, such as colorful buttons, colored pencils or rocks. Well, the "task" of the child is to move these objects into an empty jar, either with bare hands or a spoon.
3. Decorating the cake
For children aged two or three, the game is guaranteed to be fun, deh, ma'am. Mother's job is to provide plain cookies or white bread, melted chocolate, meses and edible pearls, then let the child be creative in decorating his own cake. Besides decorating, playing with bread or rice molds is also fun, here, ma'am. This method can also be done to overcome a picky eater child, which can affect the child's development.
4. Arrange the beam
Having a stack of blocks means that a lot of games can be done. Starting from building towers, bridges or houses, the blocks can also be used to teach children to sort them based on color and shape.
Inviting them to play is one of the exercises in this child's developmental stage. It is necessary for mothers to remember, when children play, they must always be under the supervision of parents. In addition, parents must also participate in playing with children, not allowed to play alone. Good play is at the same time teaching children to interact. Of course, follow the rules of good play, i.e. 'play together, so you are equally happy', or, nothing dominates the game.
If you want your children to be able to move actively, then surely they need to maintain their intake. Nutrition is so important for children's health and development, especially at around two years of age. In its development, if the child's body does not get enough macro nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and micronutrients for example Vitamin A and zinc, the child will get sick easily and risk of experiencing mental and motor growth disorders. If nutrition is disturbed at this range, it will be difficult to improve in the future.
Children also need Omega 3 & 6, DHA to help their thinking processes, vitamin D and calcium for strong bone growth. The child's body also needs a variety of vitamins and other minerals such as Vit A, C, iron and zinc to optimize body growth, and FOS & GOS for the health of the digestive tract so that maximum nutrient absorption.
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