6 Features of Organic Milk for Children to Grow Optimal

One of Mother's considerations when choosing milk for children is to look at the complete nutritional content that your child needs. Not infrequently, the problem of choosing the best milk suitable for this child makes Mother confused and difficult to make choices. Not to mention if the child turns out to have an allergy to certain types of milk.

But did you know, apparently there are several factors that you should pay attention to in choosing the right milk for your little one. This consideration is not enough to be seen from the nutritional content listed on the sus package. Mothers also need to explore further information about the composition to the benefits that will be obtained not only to optimize the growth and development of children, but also come from the best natural ingredients with hygienic and environmentally friendly processes.

Organic milk is present as the best alternative choice to help Mother meet the nutritional needs of your child. Have you heard about the benefits of organic food? Similar to organic food ingredients, organic milk also comes from ingredients that are produced directly by nature without being contaminated with harmful chemicals, so organic milk is a good and safe choice for consumption to help meet the nutritional needs of your child.

An article published in the British Journal of Nutrition 2016 is a study that compares the nutritional content between organic milk and regular daily milk. The results show that organic milk has several higher important components to support growth and maintain health than regular milk.

Of course you want to prepare the best to complete the nutritional needs of your child right? Well, some of the benefits of organic milk below will explain why switching to organic milk is a good choice in meeting nutritional needs and optimizing children's growth:

1. Rich in Antioxidants and Vitamins
Based on research by the Danish Institute of Agriculture Sciences, organic milk has a higher concentration of antioxidants and vitamins than non-organic milk, such as Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Lutein is very beneficial for eye health and prevents various eye diseases such as cataracts. While Zeaxanthin is useful for protecting the eyes from UV rays and the impact of free radicals.

Not only that, the content of vitamins A and E and beta-carotene in organic milk is also 50% higher compared to non-organic milk. Mothers need to know that vitamin A is needed by your child to increase his body's resistance to infection, maintain healthy skin, both for the growth of bones and teeth, and important for cell reproduction. While the content of vitamin E is needed to maintain eye health. In addition, the vitamin content has an important role in building the immune system of the child to fight germs and viruses that interfere with health and daily activities. Considering how important beta-carotene, vitamins E and A are in the development and enthusiasm of children to explore with their sense of sight, choosing organic milk will be the right step you can take to support its activities.

2. Omega 3 and 6 content
Omega 3 and 6 are essential fatty acids that are very necessary in the growth of your child. These essential fatty acids are beneficial for maintaining heart health and cardiovascular conditions. Adequate intake of omega 3 and 6 can prevent various health problems from an early age, such as inflammation of the joints, skin diseases (eczema), to cancer.

Believe it or not, the ratio of omega 3 and 6 in organic milk also has great benefits for breastfeeding mothers and your little one. A study funded by the Dutch government describes the benefits of getting children from nursing mothers who consume organic milk. Babies who breastfeed for two years in mothers who routinely drink organic milk have a 36% reduction in skin disease or eczema.

Studies at the University of Aberdeen, as reported in Organic Facts, show that organic milk contains 71% omega 3 higher than non-organic milk. The ratio of Omega 3 and 6 that is better and balanced in organic milk content is due to the consumption of red clover with high omega 3 concentrations and quality grass as food for cows producing organic milk.

3. Healthy Environments and Happy Cows
Did you know, Mother, that a cow's natural age can reach 20 years? However, there are some cases in intensive dairy farming systems which cause dairy cows to be too heavily suspended to produce milk and stay indoors more than on fresh grass beds, causing them to be exhausted and stressed. This has an effect on the natural age of cows which actually makes them live within a matter of a few years a finger count.

But this does not occur in organic milk producing dairy cows. Organic cattle farming has a system that is very concerned about intensive care so that dairy cows live naturally as naturally. These cows consume natural grass and red clover rich in omega 3 and 6, so that it affects the nutritional content better in the milk produced and minimal risk of cows experiencing stress. Cages, large natural grasslands, and places for processing organic milk are also not much contaminated by harmful chemicals, so living in an environmentally friendly and healthy farm makes cows happy.

4. More Natural and Thick Taste
Because it is made from natural ingredients, organic milk also has a more natural and thick taste. Cows from organic farms only eat quality grass and grains that are very well preserved without pesticides and other chemicals. The process of processing organic milk starting from the milking process to being wrapped in packaging is also very concerned about cleanliness and naturalness so that the quality of organic milk is maintained.

5. Low Sugar Content
Of course you already know the dangers of sugar for children right? Besides being able to cause tooth decay in children, the sweet taste in sugar causes children to be 'addicted' and obese. Many studies mention that sugar consumption per day is limited to 25 grams or the equivalent of 6 teaspoons per day. Sources of sugar intake not only in the form of granulated sugar, palm sugar, or refined sugar. Apparently, carbohydrates, fruits, biscuits, bread, honey, including milk also contain sugar you know, ma'am! Therefore, mothers must be careful in choosing foods with sugar levels in them so that children do not consume excess sugar.

But don't worry, ma'am! Fortunately, organic milk has a low sugar content so that it is safe for your baby to consume in fulfilling his nutrition. This is done to maintain the quality of organic milk and its natural flavor, thus helping Mother to prevent the consumption of excess sugar in milk for optimal growth of your child.

After learning the benefits and features of organic milk, more and more people in the world are turning to organic milk which is healthier and more natural. This time PUREGROW Organic is here to help mothers complete their child's nutritional needs. With natural ingredients and selected from high quality organic milk, Organic PUREGROW can help your child think ability through its complete nutritional content such as antioxidants, omega 3 & 6, vitamins A, D, E, iron, FOS & GOS, calcium, and DHA .

Mother certainly does not want to be left behind in trying her best to meet the nutritional needs of your child. So what are you waiting for? Come on help your child grow optimally with PUREGROW Organic! Visit the PUREGROW Organic website to find out more about the best organic milk for the glorious future of generations!

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