Characteristics of Increased Gastric Acid (GERD Symptoms)
Sunday, September 22, 2019
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Has anyone ever felt a burning sensation in the uluhati area and the chest accompanied by nausea? Be Careful! this could be a characteristic of ascending stomach acid.
Gastric acid disease or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a condition of the increase of stomach acid into the esophagus which is usually characterized by nausea and chest pain or burning (heartburn).
The cause can be related to stress, obesity, heredity, diet and food consumed, side effects of drugs or due to diseases, such as hiatus hernia or gastroparesis.
Symptoms that seem trivial are often ignored by sufferers. In fact, if not treated promptly with this disease can cause complications that threaten the safety of sufferers. Therefore, it is important for us to be more aware of some of the symptoms.
There are several characteristics of acid reflux, such as intense pain in the pit of the stomach so that the chest feels burning, stomach nausea, mouth feels sour / bitter, the voice becomes hoarse, sore throat and difficulty swallowing, coughing, shortness of breath to asthma. For more details, let us consider the following explanation.
Here Are 8 Characteristics of Increased Gastric Acid
1. Chest pain (Heartburn)
The first characteristic of acid reflux is marked by pain in the chest. This condition occurs due to stomach acid that rises into the esophagus or esophagus, causing heartburn or pain in the chest accompanied by burning sensation.
Generally people are often fooled by these symptoms, and consider it a heart attack. Naturally, because heartburn and chest pain due to a cursory heart attack have similarities. So how to distinguish? Now, to distinguish them note the following typical symptoms of heartburn:
The pain usually does not spread to the shoulders, back or arms. In contrast to heart attacks that often the pain quickly spreads to these parts, especially the left side of the body.
The pain will be more painful after eating or when bending.
Will immediately subside after taking stomach acid drugs such as antacids, in contrast to heart attacks that will continue despite treatment.
Generally not accompanied by cold sweat.
More about the symptoms of a heart attack, read this article: Characteristics and Symptoms of an Easy Heart Recognition. But to be more sure, it's better immediately consult a doctor, especially if these symptoms are often experienced.
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2. Mouth tastes bitter
When stomach acid rises, acidic substances can spread to the back of the throat (pharynx), so that it will cause an acidic or bitter sensation in the mouth like it will choke or vomit (reflux).
Usually these symptoms come at night when you are resting or lying down, as a result of excessive food consumption, spicy food consumption or improper meal times.
To relieve these symptoms, you can take stomach acid neutralizing drugs such as antacids, proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazol) and H2 receptor antagonists (Cimetidine).
3. Hoarseness
Ever experienced a sudden hoarseness after eating? If yes, this is most likely characteristic of ascending stomach acid. Rising stomach acid to the esophagus (esophagus) irritates the vocal cords, so the voice will sound hoarse and different from normal.
4. Sore throat
The characteristics of gastric acid that rise is arguably similar to flu symptoms. But what distinguishes it from flu symptoms, generally this sore throat is not accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, sneezing and often comes only after eating.
Symptoms of acid reflux in this one can be overcome by consuming stomach acid relievers such as omeprazole and added to anti-inflammatory drugs.
5. Cough and Shortness of Breath
Increased gastric acid continuously can narrow the respiratory tract and cause inflammation. This condition can gradually cause the sufferer to experience coughing and breathing difficulties.
The experts also suspect, the increase in stomach acid can trigger nerves in the chest to narrow the breathing tube as a response to prevent the entry of stomach acid.
To determine whether this symptom is really caused by a rise in stomach acid, it is advisable to visit a doctor to do a pH or acidity test on the esophagus.
This test is part of an outpatient procedure to check for gastric acid disease or GERD, which is done by measuring the amount of stomach acid in the esophagus for 24 hours. If the pH in the esophagus is proven to rise dramatically, then it can be concluded that someone is suffering from stomach acid disease.
6. Nausea
The following characteristic acid reflux is caused by severe pain in the stomach and solar plexus, so people with GERD often feel nauseous and even vomit. Quite often this nausea comes right after eating.
To overcome this, can take antacid drugs that can neutralize stomach acid.
7. Overproduction of Saliva (Hypersalivation)
Someone who has acid reflux or acid reflux usually will experience an increase in excess saliva. This condition is the body's natural response to neutralize stomach acid that goes up into the throat.
8. Difficulty swallowing
Increased gastric acid continuously, over time will injure the esophagus and trigger scarring or swelling which causes narrowing of the esophagus, thus making the sufferer experience difficulty or pain when swallowing food.
Actually in a mild stage, this disease can be overcome with simple ways, such as changing the diet and taking drugs that can relieve symptoms. However, if the symptoms are severe and often occur, then you should immediately consult a doctor to get better treatment.
Even though prevention is better than cure, but no need to worry for those who have continued to experience it, because you can still minimize recurrence by knowing the cause of rising gastric acid and how to prevent it.
Once again, never underestimate this disease, if allowed to drag on without proper treatment it can cause serious complications and even death.
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